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Make your own book: Print a book. Writing books? Self publish a book!

How To Copyright A Book

There is both joy and potential profit that come from publishing a book. But if you don't properly copyright that work then you may have no recourse if someone steals it. So, obtain a copyright in the U.S. for your unpublished book--this will protect your piece and ensure you have recourse if it is ever used outside of its copyrights.


  • Visit the U.S. Copyright office website at Click on the Electronic Copyright Office link. This will open the interface for submitting your copyright claim.

  • You can choose to either file a copyright registration electronically by clicking on Login to eCO right above the first red line or you can mail your form in by selecting Paper Form which is found right under the first red line by choosing Form TX under Literary.

  • If filing electronically, click "If you are a new user, click here to register" at the bottom of Login button on left side. Once the window opens, click "Register a new claim" on the left side under "Copyright Services." This will open a new window displaying three steps of the rest of the process. You can click on these for more information about each step.