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Make your own book: Print a book. Writing books? Self publish a book!

How do I create a PDF?

We request that our customers send us a single, print-ready PDF file of the book content to ensure that we receive pages in the correct order and that all fonts and images have been properly included. There are several ways for you to create this PDF file:
  • Select the Send Files button at the top of the page. You can download the Adobe PDF JobReady software, found on this page, onto your computer. This software will add a printer to your printer list entitled One Book at a Time. Print as you normally would using this printer. The software will create a PDF and automatically send it to us.

  • If you have Adobe's Acrobat Pro software create a PDF file using the PDF/X-1a:2001 settings.

  • There are several free as well as inexpensive PDF creation software packages available. You can search using any search engine for "PDF creator" and will come up with several programs. Be aware that some of the free programs add adware to their software. Make sure that your fonts are embedded and all images are a minimum 200 dpi.